Episode 14 - The Problem with Baptism
Baptism in the Lutheran church is one of the key tools that God uses to tell humanity about his forgiveness and to work faith in the hearts of people. It is to be pure Gospel and yet it often is viewed as a law, or a command, robbing it of it's power. Different Christian traditions and denominational views can take very different meanings out of what Baptism is, does and is meant to do. In this weeks podcast, we spend some time talking about what baptism means Biblically and a better way to make sense of what it does. We also dive into some of the problems that we interject into baptism when we misuse its meaning.
If you've ever wondered about Baptism, this may be a good starting point for you this week.
Great Questions, Great Conversations is a podcast of St. Paul's Lutheran and The Bridge in Muskego, WI. Please visit www.stpaulmuskego.org for more information.
If you've ever wondered about Baptism, this may be a good starting point for you this week.
Great Questions, Great Conversations is a podcast of St. Paul's Lutheran and The Bridge in Muskego, WI. Please visit www.stpaulmuskego.org for more information.