Episode 20 - Disappointment, Community and a Christian Witness
Disappointment shows up in a very real, tangible, physical and emotional way when the gap between our expectation and the result is wide. We've all experienced it and for many of us, recovering from it is a real journey. In some cases disappointment is an eye opening experience when we realize just how much assumption goes into our expectations giving us pause for some needed personal reflection and confession. And yet over time we see that our disappointments have been used by God in extraordinary ways. God doesn't waste anything, even the hard times.
So... when dealing with disappointment what how should we process it? This conversation with Hannah Schermerhorn is a followup to Hannah's Awake and Alive Summer One Day keynote talk this past June. We pray it will be an encouragement as you consider some of the questions as we wrestle with this topic.
To view Hannah's keynote and for small group questions, please visit: https://awakealive.com/2023-summer-one-day
Great Questions, Great Conversations is a podcast of St. Paul's Lutheran and The Bridge in Muskego, WI. Please visit www.stpaulmuskego.org for more information.
So... when dealing with disappointment what how should we process it? This conversation with Hannah Schermerhorn is a followup to Hannah's Awake and Alive Summer One Day keynote talk this past June. We pray it will be an encouragement as you consider some of the questions as we wrestle with this topic.
To view Hannah's keynote and for small group questions, please visit: https://awakealive.com/2023-summer-one-day
Great Questions, Great Conversations is a podcast of St. Paul's Lutheran and The Bridge in Muskego, WI. Please visit www.stpaulmuskego.org for more information.