Episode 21 - How do we grow as leaders? Thoughts on Leading Well, Part 1
"Everybody Wins when the leader gets better" “Leadership is influence and everyone has influence.” “A humble leader can learn from anyone.” How do you respond to these leadership quotes? If leadership is really influence then all of us lead in some capacities and all of us have moments where we follow and support leaders.
In this episode, we share some thoughts on a blog post by another developer of leaders named Carey Nieuwhof who starts off the post with this quote: "I was recently talking to a friend who had turned 50 a couple of years ahead of me. He surprised me by saying that your 50s are largely pre-determined by how well you lived your 30s and 40s."
Paul Schussler, Arica Drezdzon and Mike Westendorf talk about some of the simple leadership lessons that stood out to them in their own journey in leadership and as they wrestle with improving. We hope the discussion will be helpful to you as you lead in your various roles in life, especially for young leaders in their 20s, 30s and 40s.
Here is the link to Carey's blog post that is the subject for this podcast: https://careynieuwhof.com/25-random-pieces-of-advice-for-leaders-in-their-20s-30s-or-40s/
Great Questions, Great Conversations is a podcast of St. Paul's Lutheran and The Bridge in Muskego, WI. Please visit www.stpaulmuskego.org for more information.
In this episode, we share some thoughts on a blog post by another developer of leaders named Carey Nieuwhof who starts off the post with this quote: "I was recently talking to a friend who had turned 50 a couple of years ahead of me. He surprised me by saying that your 50s are largely pre-determined by how well you lived your 30s and 40s."
Paul Schussler, Arica Drezdzon and Mike Westendorf talk about some of the simple leadership lessons that stood out to them in their own journey in leadership and as they wrestle with improving. We hope the discussion will be helpful to you as you lead in your various roles in life, especially for young leaders in their 20s, 30s and 40s.
Here is the link to Carey's blog post that is the subject for this podcast: https://careynieuwhof.com/25-random-pieces-of-advice-for-leaders-in-their-20s-30s-or-40s/
Great Questions, Great Conversations is a podcast of St. Paul's Lutheran and The Bridge in Muskego, WI. Please visit www.stpaulmuskego.org for more information.