Episode 24 - Can a Parent Really Be a Pastor?
The big C church, the one on the corner that people go to worship God and be part of a congregation, really finds it's foundation in the home. When a Christian man and woman become husband and wife with Jesus as the foundation, their joined lives represent the smallest functioning example of the "Body of Christ". When children come into that family, a child's first experience of what it means to be part of the "body of Christ"... the church... is modeled in the home.
That likely sounds scary or just flat out wrong for those of us who didn't train to be a professional Pastor, but the reality is that the big C church is usually healthiest when mom and dad are Pastors, or "shepherds" at home. So what does that mean? What does it look like to worship at home? And what if this concept is too new and you feel that, as a parent, it's too late. Join us on the conversation as we talk more about the biological family church and how to get started.
Great Questions, Great Conversations is a podcast of St. Paul's Lutheran and The Bridge in Muskego, WI. Please visit www.stpaulmuskego.org for more information.
That likely sounds scary or just flat out wrong for those of us who didn't train to be a professional Pastor, but the reality is that the big C church is usually healthiest when mom and dad are Pastors, or "shepherds" at home. So what does that mean? What does it look like to worship at home? And what if this concept is too new and you feel that, as a parent, it's too late. Join us on the conversation as we talk more about the biological family church and how to get started.
Great Questions, Great Conversations is a podcast of St. Paul's Lutheran and The Bridge in Muskego, WI. Please visit www.stpaulmuskego.org for more information.